Friday, July 13, 2012

inner critic, go away; go jump off a cliff today. . . .

It's ridiculous that I just wrote a blog post justifying that yes, I am a writer, since now I feel so very iffy on that front. I know it has to do with the fact that I'm randomly depressed again, and that I just got a good critique (read, was not nice to my story in exactly the way it needed to be, and pointed out a lot of things I need to fix to make it work), so I feel like if I can't even write a story that makes sense, who am I to say I'm a writer?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

in which I watched a ton of movies while on the clock

One really nice thing about the work I've been doing for my etsy shop lately is the amount of Netflix I get to watch, guilt free. I need something to do while I knit and crochet, after all. My viewing history of last night/this morning reads as follows:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

guest post (or, what I spent my evening writing instead of fiction)

I've written a post for the Callihoo Publishing blog, entitled "What does it take to be a writer", in which I outline a few of the struggles I've faced in calling myself a writer. Check it out, and let me know what struggles you've faced in taking on that title!

Also, I got oil paint on my gardening pants in class today, making me wonder if I should make them my painting pants instead. There, now I can still be random, even if I'm updating more frequently! :)

Listening to: In der Stille by Subway to Sally. The problem with this band is I keep listening to all of their albums on repeat while I work, so I keep getting bits stuck in my head and having no clue what song they're in.

Monday, July 9, 2012

summer classes

Don't you just hate those days where you forget you have something to do? I think I subconsciously set the tempo of my days based on whether I have to do something in the evening or not. Today, I forgot I have a class at 5:30, so I've been taking some time getting things done for my business, thinking I'll have the evening to relax a bit. Well, there went that plan. And now my drive to do anything work-related is faltering, since I know I won't get home 'til nine, and will only have about an hour before my self-inflicted bedtime. And I have to take the non-air-conditioned car again. Ick.

Friday, July 6, 2012

start of july goals recap: take that, mid-may!

Rewrite (at least) one of my novels.
Well, I didn't get it done in June, but I have been working on rewriting Clockwork. I polished my first scene up nicely before realizing I should probably be editing for story before doing line edits. So I'm in the process of summarizing all my chapters and scenes on notecards to try and get an idea of the shape of the story. It's hard because the only way to get better at rewriting is more rewriting, which you don't have a clue how to do unless you've done some rewriting. . . .

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

in which I decide I would like to blog more often

Even if I feel I have nothing to say. I can talk about writing, current knitting/crochet projects, my poor garden, even the fact that I really do want to get my Etsy shop up and running one if these days.
Of course, I always think that, every time I visit my cousins. Two of them run the pretty darn successful Quiet Mischief and Co., and watching them work and have goals and actually make a living off Etsy always inspires me. Usually for only about three days, or so, but I really would like to actually do it this time. Even if it means dealing with being a business, and taxes and shipping and having to build my customer base from scratch.