Wednesday, June 29, 2011

weird pain

This is random. Anyway, I'm a hopeless romantic, and nothing is better for me than angst: star-crossed lovers and hopeless relationships that somehow manage to make it (or don't). I eat that up like candy. However, sometimes when I'm reading or watching TV or a movie, and there's a big momentous scene--like a couple that's been denying that they love each other and finally come out with it, or someone is injured--I'll get this sharp shooting pain in my neck and chest. It's almost like when you say your heart leaps out of your chest, like the emotion becomes too much for my heart to hold in.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

new goals

As I said in a previous blog post, I'm taking a bit of a break from writing this month. So instead of a story a day or even a poem a day, I have new goals. Hey, I have to fill my days with something! (Even if lately that's mostly been crocheting while watching Babylon 5 on Netflix. :D)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

tour of my garden: first of june

I thought a nice way to start this month would be to give a tour of my garden. I've put in about five hours in the past two days working on it, and plan to do more all week. This is my garden after that hard work. I'll go around and point out the things that are new. (as in, that watering can. Yay! I've always wanted a watering can!)