Thursday, December 17, 2009

Did someone say, . . 100K?

Doy. I just realized that I never posted on here about the end of NaNo! Well. . .

I got to 100k!! Specifically, I got 101,549 words, official grand total! I tried tweaking for that to end with a 47, but it just didn't happen. :)

Anyway, right now I'm trying to write poetry for the first time in weeks, and I think remembering I had yet to post this was an avoidance tactic, so I'm not going to spend too much time writing this. But I also wanted to mention that I'm signed up for WriYe next year, for 600,000 words for the whole year. That's 50,000 a month. A NaNo a month. Did I mention I'm also insane?

Anyway, I'm "choukuro" on the WriYe site, same as for NaNo, but without the space in the middle. Yep.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Kill me now?

Every time I judge a contest on allpoetry, I vow to never do it again, for the simple reason that NO ONE WHO ENTERS MY CONTEST KNOWS WHAT A POEM IS!!!! Ahem. Examples.

50,000 words!

I reached it yesterday before midnight, so that's 50k in fifteen days, and I only wrote 200 words each for two of those days. That means that in two weeks I've written 200 pages in a story which prior to this took me six years to write 330. Sigh. Makes me feel awesome and pathetic at the same time. But I'm aiming for 100k this year, so I should pass 300 easily as well, which is good, because my story is nowhere near done. For the first time every, I'm thinking about having to make it into two stories. Weird. Anyway, I still have to finish it, then rewrite the entire thing, so the decision time for that is way in the future. I just came here to brag. :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NaNoWriMo 2009

Yep, you guessed it! I'm doing NaNo this year as well (if you don't know what it is, go to for lots of helpful information). And I'm off to an awesome start! At only three days in (and I haven't done all my writing for today yet) I've written over 12,000 words! My minimum goal is 50,000, so I'm a good way toward that goal. I'd love to write 100,000 this year, because I just made it to 53,000 last year, and that would be way awesome.

Anyway, I should really get back to useful writing. :D

My profile for NaNo is here:

Saturday, August 8, 2009


I was just reading my last post, and realized I had to put a new one up here. We have fast internet!!! I'm so excited! Though I still won't be looking up the Burger King anytime soon. :) I'm too busy going on Hulu to watch Ghost Hunters and House anyway.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The King Should Be Dethroned!

Okay, Burger King's site for their transformers game really sucks. Not because it's lame, or not flashy enough; quite the opposite. The damn thing won't load!

I have incredibly slow internet. It's not dial-up, but not much faster. And I'm finding it increasingly difficult nowadays to get anything done, mainly because the world at large seems to think that everyone has high-speed interent. The Transformers game site ( wouldn't load past the "enter your birthdate" thing in Firefox or Internet Exploder (oops, explorer, though the number of times that "explorer" seems to get lost makes me think he really needs an internet map). I finally had to do it in Opera, which it worked in, strangely enough.

But once I got to the site, it took about ten to fifteen minutes for each code I entered, just to load its stupid video of the tranformer-king smashing through a Burger King store and throwing an armored car at the screen (or whatever he was doing, it was hard to tell from the choppy animation that my slow internet created). And all that was, of course, just to tell me I hadn't won, please try again. I didn't really expect to win. I just wanted to enter the codes for the hell of it, seeing as I'm due for some good luck after dislocating my shoulder yesterday. But I don't think I'll be entering again, even if I do get more codes, just because it nearly crashed my computer just to load their stupid flash player thing (note: it was also impossible to load their basic site

Note to Burger King: if you pay more attention to your lowly peasants, and maybe include a low-intensive feature so those of us with slow internet can actually load your site, you may be able to stave off a recreation of the French Revolution. As for me, I'm off to sharpen my guillotine. . . .

(CYA: None of this is meant as a threat to Burger King stores, its affiliates, associates, or management. It is only for the Burger King himself, him and his creepy smile.)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sticking an update in here

I just updated 13 days on my other blog after avoiding it forever. All I had to do was upload the pictures to photobucket (a daunting task with my slow internet), then stick them up on blogger and narrate them. Not so bad. However, now I have 36 days to fully update, meaning find all the pictures I took (scattered among three computers), choose the ones I want for each day, bring them up in Paint Shop Pro and size them down to 400 pixels wide, save them with new names in my folder for the month, upload them, then put them in blogger. Ugh. I hate my process, but my ocd won't let it be any different. Oh well.

So since I haven't written in this blog for a long while, I figured I would stick something up here while avoiding everything I have to do for the other blog. Nothing much has happened lately; I still don't have a job, because no one is hiring with the down economy, and so I haven't being doing all that much. Writing-wise, I finally updated my fanfic after eight months (embarrassing), and I just sent in a collection of ten poems for the Utah Arts Council annual writing competition. The first prize is 300 dollars, so here's hoping!

My main laptop still won't charge, so all I have for writing is my little netbook my dad got me. But I did get a new camera recently, which has really good zoom and focus and lots of capabilities, so that's good. And last week I went ghost hunting two days in a row with my family, which was very fun. I got some great shots too, big bright orbs, so I'm very happy with that.

And my sister bought Wii fit recently, so I've actually been exercising somewhat. Apparently I've got good balance. :) But it's kind of hard for me to do it properly, because being a 40DDD it keeps claiming my center of balance needs to be further forward, but if I lean forward as far as it wants, I risk falling over! Bah.

Random post, but at least it's up here.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Avoiding the other blog!

Well I suck with this whole take a picture every day thing. Actually, mostly just with updating. I have a week and a half to put online now, though I first have to track down all the pictures I took for each day. Not an easy task when I realize the camera time and date is messed up so they all say there were taken in 2005. Yep. Bleh. And I still haven't finished my shirt I've been making. Or written anything much. However, I did do a bit of free sketching with pen at the convention I went to the last weekend, which I found to be very freeing, to work with every line rather than erasing and trying to make it perfect. So I'm liking that. Now let's hope my inner critic can stay away from this and not ruin it for me.

So anyway, I'm only updating this because I'm avoiding updating my other blog. :) I haven't really done much of interest, although I did go to Idaho last Thursday and hung out at hot springs for hours. That was pretty great. Plus we got up to 118 mph on the way there. . . I didn't even notice they were trying for a new speed record. Yep. I'm oblivious. I think I was more focused on there being four people in the back of a rather small car than anything else. And the box of wheat thins I had in my hand. :D

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Creative Cycles

I think I've mentioned before that I'm too dang creative in too many directions. I've decided that the way my brain has decided to deal with this is making my creativity come in cycles. Back in January it was poetry: I wrote over 40 poems. I also took over 128 pictures, but that was because of my blog. This month I've only written about five poems, but I've crocheted a blanket, a bag, two stuffed animals, and most of a shirt. I think December was a drawing month, but I want another one of those to come around so I can work on my webcomic. I haven't had a writing month since November and NaNoWriMo :( sorry to all my fanfic followers. Bleh, so anyway, I hadn't posted to this blog for a while, so I thought I'd put something up here. I really wish these cycles could be daily or something, so I could get more variety. :P

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Haircut and Sweeney Toddness!

I just got a great new haircut today, and I'm so happy! I hadn't cut it since last April (when it was completely shaved), so it feels nice to now have a stylish haircut again. It's kind of a pixie cut, that I can either spike up or leave down, so very low maintenance but still cut. Anyway, the real reason I'm blogging is because of my Sweeney Todd obsession. I will never think of going to the "barber" the same way again. :)

I first thought about Sweeney Todd when the stylist tossed the sheet around me to keep the hair off. I had a quiet chuckle, then put it out of my mind. She shampooed, conditioned, then cut my hair, and I thought we were done, when she said she wanted to razor my ends so they would spike better. She then pulled out a razor that looked almost exactly like the one in Sweeney Todd, and proceeded to start cutting my hair. I nearly lost it. I kept expecting her to reach around and slit my throat. And for some reason this made me very happy. O_o I'm a strange person. . . but anyway, that was my real life Sweeney Todd experience. I shall ask for my ends to be razored every time from now on. :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Other blog

So if you truly want to know what's going on in my life, I'm posting most of my daily crap along with my photos in my project 365 blog now. I'll still put random individual things in here, or things I want to elaborate on more, but that's where most of my blogging is now. An alternate title for this blog is random and not-so-rarely updated. :)

I really like keeping the other blog, because I'm actually "journaling" for the first time, something that's been my goal for a while now. So. . . yep.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Snow and Driving

Oh, and I forgot to mention that on Christmas we got 2 feet of snow! It was pretty amazing, the biggest snowfall we've had for many a year. Our car got stuck at the bottom of our street. . . and at the top of our street. . . and at the middle of the next street. . . .

So anyway, many a picture was taken of this: of our inflatable lawn penguins being buried, of me shoveling, of the impressive drifts, and of the MOUNTAINS of snow plowed from the Walmart parking lot.

Oh, and going with the driving theme, a few days before Christmas I got in my first accident. I wasn't driving, but I was in the passenger seat, so it was a bit scary. Ice was to blame: we (my friend Sam and I) tried to turn onto a street in my subdivision and the car just slid right into a chainlink fence. Thankfully, we were going very slow, so the chainlink just kind of caught us in a net, and we somehow missed hitting both of the nearby poles, so the car wasn't really damaged either. The worst part was that all the neighbors came to look, and since this was two blocks from my house they all knew me. . . so a bit embarrassing. Plus standing in the freezing cold while the cop filled out the accident report wasn't fun either. But anyway, as first accidents go, it was pretty good: no injuries, minimal damage, a good reason for it. And apparently soon afterward, someone else slid into the same fence, so we can feel less stupid.

Blanket and numerous poems!

I finished the blanket yesterday! Hurray! I'll post pictures later, but I really am impressed. It took a long long time, but it's so warm and cuddly and pretty. It's officially the biggest and most complicated thing I've ever crocheted, so that's exciting too.

Anyway. . . not much else has happened since I posted last. Same lying about the house, crocheting or writing and watching Stargate (blew through seasons 9 and 10 and both new movies in just a few days). Oh, but I figured out that on allpoetry I posted 196 poems in 2007 and 196 poems in 2008. Weird! That's out of a total of 468, five of which are this year, so although I've been on it since my sophomore year of high school (2004), I really wasn't active until the latter part of my senior year. Interesting and useless data there. :)

I know I say this every few months or so, but I'm becoming really comfortable with where I am in my poetry. I can pull pretty interesting lines and ideas just straight off the top of my head, and form some good poems (if I do say so myself) rather quickly. And I like my poems, so that's really all that matters (though it is nice to get appreciation and praise :).

And I've decided this year that I'm going to do the project 365 thing, which is to take a picture every day for a year. My first picture was of the blanket I just finished yesterday. Today I think it's a picture of my cat with my ps2 controller. Not that inspiring or marvelous. . . I'm sure I'll get better at it as the year goes on. I'll be posting the pictures eventually in a separate blog in this account.

The other blog is My eyes of 2009.

Random and rambling as always.