Monday, September 19, 2011

snippets - week two

Since this was my first Book-in-a-Week, I thought I would manage to write every day, but I still missed two right in the middle of the week. I think it's just about the need to take a notebook with me everywhere and make time to write.  But I did write 50 pages on Friday (my goal for the whole week), so that made up for it.

I'll post about my Book-in-a-Week experience, and my ongoing Artist's Way experience, in the next blog post, but right now I have to go!

Once again, all snippets are Copyright (C) Danica West, and first draft stuff, so why would you want to steal it anyway? And I try to avoid major spoilers. (salutes--Major Spoilers) :D

9/12 -  To her disappointment, there wasn't much to see.  Any landscaping that had once existed had long since been swallowed by nature.  There were a few trees, scattered about in what once may have seemed a more logical pattern--tall strong oaks, and a few willows toward the back of the house.

9/13 -  She kept thinking of this as only what she could see: the hedge.  But it obviously surrounding something more than the large question mark of a mystery.  What would be within a hedge on the grounds of what had once been a rich estate?  A garden, she thought, a thrill alike to what she'd experienced looking in on the library shivering through her.

9/14 - didn't write

9/15 - didn't write

9/16 -  She hung for what seemed an eternity, but her lungs didn't burn from the lack of oxygen.  She was wondering if she didn't actually need to breathe when a heaviness started to set into her limbs.  The room was deathly quiet, and she could distinctly hear the ticking in her chest slowing down.

9/17 -  Why even settle when something could never be?  It just made one heartsick, and she knew her spare parts heart was fully capable of that.
But those fantasies served well enough, in their time, a little voice in her head said.  When those dreams of gardens were as close as you thought you would ever get to a real one.
And my dreams of a mother, of a father who loved me? she spat back.  Where did those ever get me?  What did those ever bring but pain?

9/18 - As she entered, she saw he was looking around the room in amazement.  She hadn't been able to reach the ceiling, but the walls and floor were now dust free, and shone from the scrubbing she'd given them.  Cerys wondered how long it had been since the room's cleanliness had matched the rich decor.

I'm happy with how far I got in this novel this week. I wrote a bunch of strong scenes that really moved my story along.

Is there a scene or paragraph you wrote recently that you really love?  You don't need to post it word for word like I'm doing; just talk about it in the comments!

Listening to: Ten Speed (Of God's Blood and Burial) by Coheed and Cambria.  This song is on the CD that's my main writing playlist, and has been since my first NaNo.  For some reason, Coheed and Cambria just work really well for me to listen to while I'm writing. Also, "how's that work; you're a bicycle!"  :D

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