Sunday, September 11, 2011

first book-in-a-week

Tomorrow I get to start my first challenge on Book-in-a-Week! If you haven't heard of it, it isn't necessarily writing a book in a week--though I'm sure you could if you wanted to and were really committed. Anyway, it happens one set week out of every month. To participate, you set yourself a page goal (minimum of 10) and then try to stick with it. Like NaNoWriMo, you have a community of writers all trying to do the same thing you are (or similar, depending on what each person's goal is) at the same time, so you can all rally together and support each other.

I'm very excited for it. I've been looking for a good way to find that writing push other times of the year than November, and this looks like it's just that. I set the goal of 50 pages, which takes me to 1750 words per day. I've already been trying for 1000 a day, so I hope it won't be too hard to get that extra three pages written.

Being me, I wanted to try for an insanely high goal, but then I remembered the part where I have school and a semi-job and will also be doing the Artist's Way challenge on that site at the same time, and grew some sanity. Still, one of these months I want to try for 200 pages or more, because I'm sure I could do it if I just pushed (and didn't have other obligations). Last NaNo, I managed 15,000 words one Sunday.

So anyway, expect updates on this, either sometime during the week, or next Sunday/Monday. I'm also planning on posting a bit about my photography at some point, so stay tuned for that as well! :)

Listening to: Sleeping Sun by Nightwish. One of my first favourites by this band.

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