Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Du bist ein guter Lehrer, Meister Frollo. . . .

I am bounce off the walls happy right now, besides being lactose intolerant and filled with way too much mac and cheese. Not only am I finally taking German (though getting money worked out to buy my textbooks is still in the works), but I also finally found the complete score for Der Glöckner von Notre Dame!! So I now have all the proper spelling and (somewhat) translations for all those parts in the songs that I've memorized by ear! I am so so so very happy about this. I want to learn most of the songs in German, because not only will that probably help my pronunciation/comprehension for my class, it'll also be completely awesome to be able to burst into "Das Feuer der Hölle" at random times throughout the day.

I'm basically obsessed with this musical. Completely and totally. It NEEDS to come to America, and they darn well better keep this ending and not Disney-fy it up too much!!

Sadly, I have yet to find a copy of a bootleg video of the musical for download (if it was available to buy, I would, but since it isn't, I WANT TO SEE IT!!) . I found a bunch of sites offering it in trades, but I have absolutely nothing to trade, besides perhaps the score I just found, which I don't know how many people have/care about, or not. Sigh. Oh well, back to google I go, though I should really be going to bed soon. Class in the morning, and all that. If anyone has a copy of Der Glöckner they're willing to send to me, I'll be eternally grateful, especially if it has subtitles!
(edit: spyramy on livejournal is amazing! Thank you so much for the copy!! :D Now I want to know if anyone has it with Drew Sarich as Quasi, as I would love to be able to A: return the favour, and B: have it to watch and enjoy.)

Oh, and the title of the post is the reason I first wanted to find a copy of the score: so I could get the exact wording of what SPOILER Quasimodo says to Frollo before he throws his master to his death, which in my opinion goes down as one of the best lines ever in a musical. And now I have it. Mega squee. (He says "You are a good teacher, Master Frollo. A very good teacher!", which is somewhat replying to his gargoyles, who are echoing "the wicked must be punished" in the background. Because we all know "wer ist das scheusal, und wer ist der mann"! :D )

author note: Beware the terrible German above; that's my know-nothing translation, and is probably completely wrong. Just starting German, remember? The actual line from the Der Glöckner score is "Mensch oder Sheusal, wer ist jeweils wer?", which means something more along the lines of 'Man or Monster, who is respectively who', as far as I could puzzle out (I have no clue about the meaning of 'jeweils' besides what the dictionary told me). For the above, I just direct translated from the "who is the monster and who is the man" line from the movie. :)

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