Saturday, July 12, 2008

First Post (a.k.a. what a creative name *sarcasm*)

Okay, so I got on here just for the heck of it. And I've been wanting to better catalogue my thoughts for a while. Hmm, why doesn't the spell check accept catalogue? Is it a British spelling, or just a Danica-bad-spelling? Or maybe the spell checker is just stupid.

Anyway, after I've put the random in this post, I'll have to make sure to fulfill the "rarely updated" portion of the title. Because my life really isn't very interesting, especially during the summer. I lie around and draw/write on my better days, but usually just waste time with technology, either playing with the newest life-draining app on facebook, or playing sims. And by playing sims, I mean recreating all my dearest hopes and fantasies with various men from books/movies/tv/anime. Ahem. Anyway. Here would be the time where I clarify that "anyway" is my favorite random blogging word.

Anyway: definition - a word I use in a vain attempt to get back to the topic and kill tangents. Usually leads to more tangents about my over-use of the word "anyway".

So, yeah, that's basically it. This is my first post here, although I've put a few things up on livejournal under the username "yaoi_4dd1ct", so I guess this isn't my first time blogging. But it is my first on this site, so I count that as being special. And since probably no one will read this but me, this is a good enough place to end it. Until next time. . . farewell.

P.S. I am amazed that I only used one ellipsis in this post. Usually there's about one for every two sentences. Yeah, I'm kind of addicted to ellipsises. . . or is it ellipsi? Hmm, have to think on that one. Or not. I also enjoy using semicolons; I generally use them properly.

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