Sunday, November 20, 2011

NaNo day 20 - fighting against a lazy Sunday

7:46 pm, and about a hundred words to show for it.  Plus, it was once again hard to convince myself to leave my bed this mor-afternoon. I wonder if leaving the house and being social is what pushes my moods into the basement the next day.

If I take the time to look at it, Thursday I was at school until five, leaving just enough time to come home and get something to eat before going to writers' group and getting my story critiqued, which despite being exceedingly beneficial to the writing process, is always an added source of stress. And Friday I woke up more depressed than I remember being for quite some time. After puttering about the house for all of Friday, I woke up on Saturday in a much better mood, which remained for most of the day and sustained me through going downtown to a write-in then doing laundry at a way too noisy laundromat. And today, I once again woke up without the motivation to do anything but sleep.

I'm not going to take this as proof I should never leave the house, tempting as that conclusion may be. I think I just need to remember this happens so I can, to the best of my ability, arrange my schedule to balance every activity-filled day with a day to recharge. Of course, that doesn't exactly fit with my contemplating getting a 'real job' one of these days. Especially in this job climate, I doubt employers would go for that--much easier to find someone else than work around my moods.

I need to stop blogging only when I'm depressed. Also, I need to actually write, instead of procrastinating by blogging.

So, nonexistent readers: how's your Sunday treating you? Are you wrestling writer's block, or riding fiery chariots of wordcount? Do you take Sundays off from writing? If so, how are you spending your time?

edit: Got 4050 words today, so that means 2500 in the last hour or so. Yay for pushing through for a deadline! And wow. The scenes I put in with that 2500 words were crazy amazing for my plot. I'm kind of still reeling in the way it all just poured out. In the end, this is definitely a good day.

Listening to: I Can't Do This by Plumb. The first verse of this is really resonating with me right now, talking about waking up late and procrastinating. I just need to change the title to I Can Do This by going off to work on my NaNo now.

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