Monday, January 3, 2011


So I finally created a website for me that actually does the job of consolidating 'internet me' into one place. I need to add more to it, but for now it'll serve the purpose it was created for. It's probably overly dramatic, but hey, I'm in a dramatic mood right now, and that's just another part of me I guess.

Also, I'm trying out having an online persona, because I googled my name and was very disturbed by how much information about me was online. So now I'm Gwendydd ar Adain. I've been going by Gwen in some circles for years, but only recently did I find out that Gwendydd (Welsh, pronounced Gwen-dith) means morning star, the same as my real name, and something I've always really loved about my name. "ar adain" means "on wing" in Welsh, which of course goes with my continuing theme. :)

I also revisited my deviantart page, which I haven't done anything on in ages. I think I want to make a new blog (yes, another one), that's just for my art, and maybe even only open to people I invite. Part of the reason behind this is that I like artistic nude, but the one picture I have posted on deviantart--even when you can't really see anything--was added to an favorites album simply titled "boobs" the day I posted it. Really? My face is the focus in that picture, but all you see is my boobs? Thanks so much. But anyway, I'm back on forth on the topic of posting my art on the internet. I like the validation of having other people see it and perhaps thinking it's good, but I don't so much like the randomness factor of it being up there for everyone to see.

Anyway, this was a rather boring blog post. I'm intending to make today a writing day, so since this is to some extent my writing blog, I might have more to post later. I hope so. I really need to work more on my writing--without making it a new year's resolution or anything, just in general.

Oh, also, I listed my first things on etsy today (finally). They're just phone cozies, of the sort I made my sister and my mom, but I hope they might actually sell in the 4 months they're listed for. And I hope to eventually get the wings I named my store for up and running, because extra cash would definitely be nice. I also created a cafepress account, but I've yet to do anything with it; I've spent enough time online today.

Listening to: Black is the Colour by Niamh Parsons. I love this rendition of this song; it's very quiet and resigned, but it has a lot of emotion in it. It helps that Niamh Parsons has an amazing voice; I love how haunting her music can be.

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