Tuesday, May 31, 2011

end of may

Well, I finished Story a Day, and met my revised goal of 22 stories! One twitter fiction, several that I would consider flash fiction, and two songs, but also several in the 2000 to 4000 word range. And definitely a bunch I want to go back and revise and send through my critique group, and maybe try to sell after that. I'd love it if my first sale came from one of these stories.

Anyway, I'm planning on a longer post tomorrow about my garden, and then comes June, which I have dubbed the month of cleaning. Maybe I'll post updates on that, but I'm giving writing a break for a while, so unless I'm really struck by something in June, there probably won't be much in that area for a month. July 4 is the beginning of 50/90, so I'll definitely make up for it then. And I haven't yet decided if I'll try to write a novel in three days in June as practice for the real deal. I'll have to see what I have as far as time (and sanity) goes.

Right now? I just feel like sleeping.

(self) day 17
Tomato in a Tire would a pretty great band name.

Listening to: Better by Plumb. I'm really liking this album. Some very catchy and interesting songs.


  1. Good show on reaching 22 stories - I clocked in at 19. I'm liking your garden update post above this one! Can't say I'm actively cultivating much this year, but my raspberry cane has tons of blossoms on it, and a friend of mine just gave me a shiitake mushroom kit. I'm excited.

  2. Congrats on those 19 stories! I've always wanted to plant raspberries--they're one of my favorite snacks, and so expensive to buy in the store! And a shiitake mushroom kit sounds very cool--it's been so wet that my garden has been trying to grow mushrooms all on its own. It'd be interesting to try on purpose! :)


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