I think I'm addicted to writing challenges. I keep trying to push myself harder and harder, doing more and more. That's why 150k is my goal for NaNo this year. And I found
this today. I really want to try it. The only real con I can see is that it would happen right after the first week of college, but since I'm only taking an art and photography class this semester, it probably wouldn't be that hard to squeeze in. And it's over Labor Day weekend. Pros of that would include me coming back to school after the weekend and having huge bragging rights. But anyway. I might try a 3 day novel on my own in June (or a week-novel, at the most) just to see if I can do it, and to get myself excited about it. Really, some part of me wants to do it
now, now now now, but that's just impulsive manic me, so I'm ignoring her. Really, manic me, we have other obligations. Our short stories are our priority right now. (manic me pouts.)
I think the hardest part would be the arc and finishing, which I'm hoping to get better at through all these short stories. Because I wrote 15,000 words in one day last NaNo, and the website says the 3 day novels come out to be about 100 pages. If that's manuscript pages, at 250 words a page that's only 25,000 words. I think I could do that. If my fingers don't fall off, that is. Always a concern. :)
Anyway, late night rambling blog post done now!
Listening to: The Hunger by Fireflight. I have the hunger to get some writing done! Really, I swear I'm addicted.