Tuesday, May 31, 2011

end of may

Well, I finished Story a Day, and met my revised goal of 22 stories! One twitter fiction, several that I would consider flash fiction, and two songs, but also several in the 2000 to 4000 word range. And definitely a bunch I want to go back and revise and send through my critique group, and maybe try to sell after that. I'd love it if my first sale came from one of these stories.

Anyway, I'm planning on a longer post tomorrow about my garden, and then comes June, which I have dubbed the month of cleaning. Maybe I'll post updates on that, but I'm giving writing a break for a while, so unless I'm really struck by something in June, there probably won't be much in that area for a month. July 4 is the beginning of 50/90, so I'll definitely make up for it then. And I haven't yet decided if I'll try to write a novel in three days in June as practice for the real deal. I'll have to see what I have as far as time (and sanity) goes.

Right now? I just feel like sleeping.

(self) day 17
Tomato in a Tire would a pretty great band name.

Listening to: Better by Plumb. I'm really liking this album. Some very catchy and interesting songs.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

winding down

Hey, excitement! I already have three posts this month. My unofficial goal is 4 posts a month, or roughly one a week. Anyway, here's an update on the craziness that has been May.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Ughhh. That says it all. This story a day thing is grueling. I hope it gets easier as the month goes on. I won't let myself give up--I gave myself yesterday (goodness, it's already after midnight; the day before, then) as a free day, since I was unexpectedly occupied all day long, but it's only a free day in that I didn't have to finish my story then. I still started it, wrote some on my phone, and now I'm telling myself I have to finish it. And start and finish a story for today/yesterday. And then go to bed. And then write another when I wake up. Where's this crazy authoritative me when I'm watching hours of Babylon 5 and Futurama instead of writing?

edit: Dude, I've had this blog since 2008! Crazy. Don't know how I didn't realize that before. (Procrastinating by reading all old blog posts = both fail and win. Though at least the 'rarely updated' part of the title held up more than it has lately: less to read through! Not that it's a bad thing I'm posting more often. I just wish I had interesting things to post about. More interesting than writing and laziness.)

Listening to: Ich bin ein wahrer Satan by ASP. Love this band. Good writing music, since I can't sing along to or understand most of it. I pick lots of Gaelic music for the same reason.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I think I'm addicted to writing challenges. I keep trying to push myself harder and harder, doing more and more. That's why 150k is my goal for NaNo this year. And I found this today. I really want to try it. The only real con I can see is that it would happen right after the first week of college, but since I'm only taking an art and photography class this semester, it probably wouldn't be that hard to squeeze in. And it's over Labor Day weekend. Pros of that would include me coming back to school after the weekend and having huge bragging rights. But anyway. I might try a 3 day novel on my own in June (or a week-novel, at the most) just to see if I can do it, and to get myself excited about it. Really, some part of me wants to do it now, now now now, but that's just impulsive manic me, so I'm ignoring her. Really, manic me, we have other obligations. Our short stories are our priority right now. (manic me pouts.)

I think the hardest part would be the arc and finishing, which I'm hoping to get better at through all these short stories. Because I wrote 15,000 words in one day last NaNo, and the website says the 3 day novels come out to be about 100 pages. If that's manuscript pages, at 250 words a page that's only 25,000 words. I think I could do that. If my fingers don't fall off, that is. Always a concern. :)

Anyway, late night rambling blog post done now!

Listening to: The Hunger by Fireflight. I have the hunger to get some writing done! Really, I swear I'm addicted.

Monday, May 2, 2011

may day, may day

Okay, so it's not May Day anymore. But it is a day where I have enough time to write a long-overdue blog post! So that counts.