Friday, April 1, 2011

frenzied fingers

I'm still awake. It's nearly 4 am with school in the morning (well, I only have to drive Row to her class, but I do have to wake up for that). But I have 11 pages of my Screnzy and my first NaPoWriMo poem written. Technically, I have about 32 pages for my Screnzy, because I'm doing a graphic novel, but many of those are primarily picture pages, so I'm counting pages as only the text. I also sketched out very very rough outlines for the first seven pages of this script.

I'm not a scriptwriter; I'm only doing Screnzy because I love writing challenges, and I want to actually complete it one of these years. So to make it easier on myself I'm doing a sort of fanfic graphic novel; that way when I'm done with Screnzy I'll have ample material to better my drawing skills with. That's the real reason I'm doing this. Because, again, I'm not a scriptwriter.

AS for my other writing goal, my first sprint ended up being 28 days; I slipped up during spring break when all the days were starting to run together. Grand total: I missed one day completely, and only wrote 130 words on another day. But since then, I've kept it up every day (10 in a row now) and for the last few days I've written upwards of 500 words; today I wrote 1300.

I haven't yet decided what's going to happen to that writing goal this month. Should I just count Screnzy as my goal, and put the 250 words in other fiction on hold? Or should I be completely crazy and try for 3 script pages, 1 poem, and at least 1 novel page every day? I guess I'll see.

Oh, did I also mention this is the last month of spring semester? As in finals will be coming up at the end of this month. Yeah. I may be certifiably insane.

edit: I've come up with a delightful compromise! I'm going to do my daily words as the novel version of my script for the day, then re-purpose them for my script pages. I did this today and got some great dialogue and blocking out of it.

Listening to: Drought by Vienna Teng. In my current opinion, this is one of two best songs on the planet (the other being My Medea by the same artist). I am so obsessed with it.

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