Monday, December 27, 2010

theft of thought

I wonder, if I really was a crazy complete recluse (by which I mean without the internet; I'm already a crazy recluse) if I would have any good ideas at all? I mean, I know I would--I'm just being depressed (and depressing)--but I see things that my friends do or think of, and am utterly amazed at their creativity.

My friend opheliac mentioned on her blog that she'd thought of the perfect solution to her dilemma of wanting to have a webcomic of sorts, but not wanting to draw things on a schedule: paper dolls, which she would draw, then set up and take pictures of. And instantly, I'm filled with ideas, and things I want to try and do, like watercolour backgrounds and knit clothing or props. But even if I got all of this together, I doubt I would do much with it. One, because I know me, and I know the way I go after ideas--getting all excited for a week or so, then abandoning the project. But two, because it was her idea first, and I don't want to steal it. Which, my brain tries to tell me, is ridiculous: not only am I sure it's been done before, or at least thought of before, she probably wouldn't mind, and it doesn't count as stealing really because we'd do entirely different things with the same medium. But I still feel weird about it. Bah.

On the note of not having ideas on my own is also hers (and dither's) about writing more posts, but having them be shorter posts. I am eminently skilled at rambling on, paragraph after paragraph, and posting about once a month, if that (see name of blog). But if I keep posts to just one thought, or just a few related thoughts, and use the rest of the things I think of while writing the post as ammo for later days, then I think it would be much easier to update more often. One of my big problems is not being able to think of anything worthwhile to write about (not that you could tell from the dreckitude that is all too often my blog).

So, keeping with that spirit, I'll save the other things I've thought of while writing about this for another day. Though I will note that I'm starting a new thing on both of my blogs, which is to not only say what I'm listening to, but also my thoughts about it. I love music, I live and breathe it some days, and it has such an impact on my life that it seems only right that I write about how it affects me.

Listening to: Ghost of a Rose by Blackmore's Night. I love this song, it sounds very Celtic and medieval (like most of their songs). Thank you, Pandora, for suggesting it!

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