Hmm. I can't believe I haven't written in my blog for all of November! Shame on me; this is supposed to be my writing blog, after all. I'll just say I've been crazy busy with school and NaNoWriMo, and have been trying to ignore most of the internet.
So anyway, I hit 50k on day 10 this year, chasing after my cousin bobtheenchantedone, who hit it a few days earlier even than that. My biggest day I wrote 14,755 words--which was my first Sunday--and last Sunday I wrote 11,405 words, so not shabby at all! I'm making 'Epic Sundays' a part of my NaNo experience from now on, where I either try to write at least 10,000 words, or the equivalent of 1000 words an hour from waking up (after sleeping in) to bed. This started out as I tried to catch up to bob, and had my crazy 15k day (though she updated right before midnight with about 200 words, thus beating me for the day. . . gah!). The second Sunday I did 8k words, which is close enough to epic to count, says I (esp since I did 5k the day before).