I just updated 13 days on my other blog after avoiding it forever. All I had to do was upload the pictures to photobucket (a daunting task with my slow internet), then stick them up on blogger and narrate them. Not so bad. However, now I have 36 days to fully update, meaning find all the pictures I took (scattered among three computers), choose the ones I want for each day, bring them up in Paint Shop Pro and size them down to 400 pixels wide, save them with new names in my folder for the month, upload them, then put them in blogger. Ugh. I hate my process, but my ocd won't let it be any different. Oh well.
So since I haven't written in this blog for a long while, I figured I would stick something up here while avoiding everything I have to do for the other blog. Nothing much has happened lately; I still don't have a job, because no one is hiring with the down economy, and so I haven't being doing all that much. Writing-wise, I finally updated my fanfic after eight months (embarrassing), and I just sent in a collection of ten poems for the Utah Arts Council annual writing competition. The first prize is 300 dollars, so here's hoping!
My main laptop still won't charge, so all I have for writing is my little netbook my dad got me. But I did get a new camera recently, which has really good zoom and focus and lots of capabilities, so that's good. And last week I went ghost hunting two days in a row with my family, which was very fun. I got some great shots too, big bright orbs, so I'm very happy with that.
And my sister bought Wii fit recently, so I've actually been exercising somewhat. Apparently I've got good balance. :) But it's kind of hard for me to do it properly, because being a 40DDD it keeps claiming my center of balance needs to be further forward, but if I lean forward as far as it wants, I risk falling over! Bah.
Random post, but at least it's up here.